
Friday 28 March 2014

My Style Diary - LBD

Hello :)

This is going to be a super quick post because I'm just about to head off to pick Tom up from the airport (he's back from work for the weekend! Yay!)

This is one of my most worn dresses of all time, and I'm surprised it hasn't yet made an appearance on the blog. It's just one of those staple little black dresses that can be worn anywhere, anytime, dressed up or down. It's super comfy and cool to wear in summer but also works just as well layered up in the winter time. 

Looking at these photos, it would probably have been a little more flattering if I'd worn heels, but I was trying to keep it casual, and at the moment I'll take any excuse to wear my new favourite sandals. I picked them up from Steve Madden when I was in Malaysia (for around 60% off might I add!) and they've rarely left my feet!

Anyway, I hope you're having a great night! It's Friday! Time to Celebrate!

Lots of Love

Dress - French Connection
Shoes - Steve Madden
Bag - Jigsaw
Watch - Calvin Klein
Necklace - Saba

Thursday 27 March 2014

My Malaysia Holiday

A couple of weeks ago, my Mum and I took a short trip to Malaysia, and I just wanted to share a couple of my Instagram photos with you (seeing as I finally learnt how to make these photo collages!)

We had four days in Kuala Lumpur and were fortunate enough to be travelling with two of my mum's friends who used to live there, so we had excellent tour guides! They showed us all of the best shopping spots (very important of course), but my favourite place they took us was the markets where we went every morning for breakfast. It was really great being able to experience the local food and culture (and a great trip down memory lane for my Mum who used to go to a similar market when she was a little girl growing up in Malaysia - before she moved to Australia). 

We had such a nice holiday, and I'd definitely recommend visiting Malaysia if you've never been before! Particularly if you're a big foodie because there is just so much variety. I must have had at least 8 fresh coconuts while I was there. They were just so so good! The shopping is pretty amazing too so that's another big plus!

Photos - Left to Right
Coffee, tea and kaya toast at the markets for breakfast - Colourful desserts - The markets - View from our hotel room - Egg tarts - Shopping in Topshop - Roti canai (one of my favourite foods) - The roti canai shop (where we stopped every morning) - The markets again - Fresh Coconut! - Brightly coloured cakes - Accidental matching outfits! - Biscuits - The lovely lady who made the most delicious popiah - More sweet things - Buying jackfruit at the markets

Anyway, that's it for now. Hope you've had a great day!


Saturday 22 March 2014

My Style Diary - A Schoolgirl/Retro Mix

Hello :)

This is a dress I picked up while I was in Malaysia and I can't decided if I feel like a 1950's housewife or a school girl when I wear it!
 Even though it does feel a tad like a  school uniform, I really love the plaid fabric, and the colours feel lovely and fresh. 

Another thing that drew me to this dress is the slightly vintage feel - my friend said it looked like I should be sitting in a 1950's diner sipping a milkshake... 
*drifts off into a little daydream*

Anyway, it felt like a very appropriate dress to be wearing for a lovely afternoon spent in the Swan Valley, enjoying tea and scones at the Cottage Tea Rooms.
This was the first time I'd been there, and it is the sweetest little place. I'd definitely recommend it if you ever have the chance to go. They serve High Tea, so I'm hoping to get a group of my friends together for a girlie day out at some point. :)

Hope you're having a fab Saturday!


Dress - Sherbet (bought in Malaysia)
Wedges - Aldo
Bag - Jigsaw
Watch - Calvin Klein

Thursday 13 March 2014

My Style Diary - Pajama Pants?

Helloo :)

The pajama/harem style of pants was one of those styles that I had no intention, or any desire to try out (and I was quite determined that I would never wear them) ... Until I stumbled upon this pretty floral pair in H&M while I was in Malaysia, tried them on and realised I couldn't resist a pair of pants that were this comfy and were (kinda) suitable to be worn out in public.
 (well of course they're comfy Lauren - they're basically pajamas!)
They're perfect for lazy days when you literally can't be bothered and just want to wear trackies, but need to look at least semi presentable. 

 Paired with a fitted tank top and simple accessories, I actually really like the look (despite the fact they're not the most flattering style on me) ... 
I feel a little like Princess Jasmine actually... which is never a bad thing. 

While I can't say it's my favourite trend of all time, I have a feeling that these pants will be getting a lot of wear, purely for their comfort factor (and maybe because sometimes it's nice to feel a bit like a Disney Princess :p)

I hope you're having a fab Thursday!


Pants - H&M
Top - Zara
Sandals - Therapy
Watch - Thomas Sabo

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Summer in Pictures

I've always loved the beautiful, bright Instagram collages that I've seen on so many of my favourite blogs, and aside from being lovely to look at, I think they also bring a nice little personal touch.

I'll admit that I do have a bit of an Instagram addiction. It's such a great way to record the little things in life that have made me smile, and it's great being able to look back through my photos and remember happy moments. Particularly on a Monday morning when I'm feeling a little bit "blah" - I scroll through my pics and look through at the fun I've had and think "Hey - life is actually pretty great!"

It was only the other day though, that I finally sat down and decided I would figure out how these collages were made. Turns out it was extremely simple - take a look at this site if you'd like to know how it's done. I thought it was going to be a long, arduous, time consuming task but it was actually super easy!

So now I've gone a little crazy compiling my instagram pics into collages, I thought I would share a couple here. Looking through them, it's a lovely recap of just a few snippets of the fun things I got up to this summer. 

The above photos were all taken during my week down in Margaret River - mornings spend having a delicious breakfast at the Margaret River Bakery, and walks along the beach were the major highlights :) How cute are their tea pots?!

For Valentines day this year I was very lucky and surprised to receive these stunning pink roses and the cutest card and block of chocolate from Kikki.K (Tom knows me well).
This amazing, giant strawberry and rose water macaroon is seriously the best dessert I've ever had. It was from Bistro Guillame where I went with a bunch of friends for a special treat. If you're after somewhere really special to go for a meal, I'd definitely recommend it! 

So that's it for now :)

Lots of Love