
Sunday 31 August 2014

My Style Diary - It's in the Details

So here's the first outfit featuring one of my new Zara purchases. I love a bit of gold detailing so I am seriously obsessed with these heels! The ankle strap just gives them that little extra something, taking them from being just a nice pair of basic black heels to a really special piece. To let them shine I paired them with simple black jeans, my white Country Road jumper (note to self - don't wear a white jumper to dinner again), and this gold chain necklace.
 I love how small, special details like this can really jazz up an outfit.


Jumper - Country Road
Jeans - Country Road
Shoes - Zara
Necklace- Saba
Bag - from my Grandma :)

Saturday 30 August 2014

New Additions - Zara's in Perth!

Hello hello :)

So there's been something quite exciting happening here in Perth, with the opening of the first Zara store in Garden City last Thursday. I happened to be working nearby that day, so after finishing up, I decided to head over and check it out.
Let me tell you - it was madness! The store is huge but was packed full of eager shoppers.  I'm used to a more calm shopping environment and don't deal particularly well with big crowds, but seeing as I was already there, I decided to stick it out and ended up leaving with a few beautiful white tops and a cute black dress. I didn't even attempt to try them on though (the line for the changing room was ridiculous), but I was assured that I could return anything that didn't fit.
Just a little tip -  if you want to skip the line to pay, head upstairs to the men's counter - I can guarantee the line will be shorter or even non-existant as it was in my case. :)

Unfortunately, when I tried everything on at home, nothing was quite right, but I headed back the next week (and thankfully it was much calmer this time), returned everything and then had a much more relaxing stroll around the shop and managed to find the beautiful pieces you see above. The changing rooms were also much more manageable this time so there were no disappointments when I arrived home.

First off are these super cute, high waisted gingham shorts (skort?)
The sturdy fabric sits really nicely so they're very flattering on. They're the perfect length, as well as being very comfortable and functional too! Not having to worry about your skirt flying up gets a big thumbs up from me!

Next is this beautiful dress. I've mentioned before that I have soft spot for pretty much anything floaty and white, and this dress is just my cup of tea. The sheer fabric drapes beautifully and I love the embroidered detail. At the moment I'm picturing styling it with ankle boots and a trilby hat to really play up the bohemian style.

Last but by no means least, (and probably my favourite purchase) are these stunning heels. The photo doesn't really do them justice but they're a gorgeous black suede with a beautiful gold ankle strap. I first saw these on Anna from the blog and youtube channel Vivianna Does Makeup, and have been lusting over them ever since (never really thinking I'd be able to get hold of them). I usually tend to stay away from ankle straps like this as they have a tendency to "cut the leg", and for someone of my short stature it's not always the most flattering style, but I'm a sucker for gold detailing, and these were just too gorgeous to pass up. Added to that is the fact that they're also super comfortable with a nice chunky heel at a height I can actually walk in - I just had to get them!

You can expect to be seeing these pieces popping up in my outfit photos very soon! Let me know what you think of this style of post showing the new additions to my wardrobe. I always enjoy reading these (and "haul" videos on youtube are one of my guilty pleasures), so hopefully you've enjoyed this and it's possibly given you some inspiration for your next shopping trip!

Lots of Love

*I've tried to find links to everything but have sadly failed miserably! I'm sorry!*

Sunday 24 August 2014

My Style Diary - Quilted

Ahh Sunday night.... you come round so quickly!
I can't complain though - I've had a great weekend, and there's a quote I've seen floating around on Instagram/Pinterest:
"A Sunday well spent brings a week of content" 
I have to say I agree :)

Anyway, onto the outfit... I know my outfit posts have been a little repetitive lately, but really my weekend at this time of year is mostly spent in this same uniform of jeans, jumper and converse. It's just the comfiest, easiest thing to throw on when you're having a chilled out day, particularly if that involves going for long walks enjoying the sunshine (as I did today - Perth has been just gorgeous lately!)

This particular jumper has been a recent favourite and has basically been worn non-stop since I bought it from Dotti a couple of months ago (surprisingly this is its first appearance on the blog). It is seriously the softest, most snuggly jumper I've ever felt and has already become a staple piece in my wardrobe. Dotti actually does some really great jumpers for pretty reasonable prices (especially if you manage to pick them up on sale like I did), and the quality of this one is right up there. I've already washed it multiple times and it's holding up really well so far. 

Anyway... that's it for tonight. I hope you've had a great weekend!


Jumper - Dotti
Jeans - Siwy
Shoes - Converse
Bag - Jigsaw

Saturday 23 August 2014

My Style Diary - Statement

Considering I usually claim that I'm really not into statement necklaces, this one has definitely had a good workout since it found its way home with me a couple of weeks ago. At first I was a little unsure how much use it would get, but despite it's sparkly-ness it's actually been on high rotation, proving itself to be very versatile and looking great with casual outfits as well as more fancy ones. I've mainly been wearing it layered over a jumper to add a little sparkle, like in the photos above. 
Seeing as I wear such simple clothes in winter (the same uniform of jumper, jeans, boots over and over again), it's probably a good thing to throw in some slightly more out there accessories :)

I'm possibly becoming a statement necklace convert! Shocking!

Hope you're having a great night :)


Top, Pants and Boots - Country Road
Bag - Jigsaw
Necklace - Colette by Colette Hayman

Friday 22 August 2014

My Style Diary - Lace

After all my complaining about the cold, Perth has finally decided to be lovely and bless us with some beautiful sunny and slightly warmer weather.
This makes me very happy.
I'm one of those weird people whose mood is extremely weather-dependant, and I get ridiculously excited at the idea that spring is approaching.
Yes I'm talking about the weather again... I'm that person. 

Oh well.... I'm off to go enjoy the the sunshine :)

Lots of Love

Top - Forever New
Jeans - Country Road
Shoes - Country Road
Bag - Jigsaw
Watch - Thomas Sabo
Bracelet - Pandora

Thank you Sheena and Tom for the photos!

Saturday 16 August 2014

My Style Diary - Winter White

There's something about bright white and blue denim that I just absolutely love. I don't know what it is about the combination, but I'm always drawn to it, and now that this gorgeous jumper's been added to my collection, I can now incorporate a bit more white it into my winter wardrobe. 
I'd had my eye on this jumper since spotting it in Country Road about a month ago, and once their Spend and Save deal started, I pounced. (Seriously, they really get me with their "spend and save",  a sneaky but very effective trick!) 

Around this time last year, there were jumpers in French Connection that had a cute little lace trim at the bottom. I kind of regret not picking one up, but I'm pretty pleased I managed to recreate the look by layering one of my favourite tops underneath this jumper. It adds a little feminine touch which I love :)

Anyway, hope you're having a fab day!


 Jumper - Country Road
Top - Forever New
Jeans - Siwy
Shoes - from Singapore
Bag - Trenery
Watch - Calvin Klein
Bracelet - Kookai

Friday 15 August 2014

July In Pictures

So we're basically halfway through August already, but I love these little recaps and looking back at the month's highlights.
So here's a little summary in picture form of the best bits from July
From a lovely relaxing weekend in Margaret River, to receiving beautiful flowers from a very sweet patient, fun nights spent with friends at Koko Black and various other chocolate-y places, weekend adventures with Tom and spending time with my Grandma learning guitar ... it was a pretty awesome month :p 

Lots of Love

Sunday 10 August 2014

My Style Diary - The Silk Trench

Hello Hello

So I'm finally back after a little blogging break (an unintentional break that is - it's been a busy week!)
I love Sunday mornings - sitting here with my cup of tea and my laptop with the sun shining and the birds chirping and finally getting to type up this post. I've been trying to just appreciate and notice all those "little moments of perfection" lately, and this has got to be one of them :)

This is one of my "It's winter. I want to look nice but it's too bloody cold and I just want to wear jeans" kind of outfits.  Sometimes there are nights when you need to dress up a little, but for some reason you're just not in the mood to wear anything too fussy. These nights happen to me rather frequently in winter and I tend to fall back on my fail safe black jeans, black top and heels combo. That's when I pull out one of my favourite coats - this silk trench from Witchery, which adds just a touch of luxury and (I like to think at least) sophistication to an otherwise very simple look. 

This trench coat was a great sale find a couple of years back, and while I don't wear it all the time, it always feels very special when I pull it out :)

Anyway, I hope you're having a fab Sunday!

Lots of Love

Coat - Witchery
Top - Minty Meets Munt
Jeans - Pilgrim
Heels - Wittner
Necklace - Colette by Colette Hayman

Friday 1 August 2014

My Style Diary - Winter Blues

We're extremely lucky with our winters here in Perth, with many days being beautifully clear and sunny, but to be honest, I am officially over winter.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good rainy day, a cozy night in and a chance to pull out the winter layers - but I've had my fill of that now, I'm sick of the cold and I just want summer to hurry up!!

Ok, moving on from that little rant (sorry for the complaining)...

 I picked up this skirt the other day (for a great deal might I add) and can't wait for the chance to style it in a more summer-y way with a floaty white top and sandals. However, while I'm waiting for spring, this cable knit sweater and boots will just have to do!


Jumper - Quirky Circus from Myer
Skirt - Candidate from General Pants
Boots - Country Road