
Tuesday 29 March 2016

My Style Diary - Orange Printed Dress

Heya :)

Today I'm sharing an outfit from a few weekends back, when I wore this cute orange printed dress. It's such a fun print and I love the orange against the pink background. It's been the perfect summer dress to throw on when I want something easy and cool, but still lady-like. 

I've realised that there are so many pretty dresses in my capsule wardrobe that I've been wearing all summer but haven't actually shown on the blog! The weather's started to cool down a little now, so I don't know if they'll make an appearance until spring, but if you're interested in seeing what other pieces were in my Summer Capsule Wardrobe, you can check out my video about it here

 Have a great night!

Lots of Love

Dress -  Princess Highway from Dangerfield
Sandals - from Paris
Bag - Jigsaw
Belt - French Connection

PS: Sorry the photos aren't the greatest. It was not the best light, and my photographer was a little grumpy this particular day (we were walking home after being at the Perth Upmarket and he was getting too hot!) so I only managed to get a few quick snaps!
(Thanks for the photos Tom... sorry for making you take them! ;) )

Monday 21 March 2016

My Style (and Travel) Diary - Stripes and the BEST raspberry ice-cream

So we're getting close to the end of my Tasmania photos... it's been really nice slowly making my way through them, remembering the little details and what a great holiday we had. 

These photos are from our second last day as we were making our way from Cradle Mountain to Launceston. We of course had to stop somewhere for breakfast, and the Raspberry Farm Cafe didn't disappoint. We also managed to fit in an ice-cream after breakkie and I'm pretty sure it was the best sorbet I've ever had. The raspberries in Tassie were just soo good - I wish we could get ones like that here! 

As usual I was wearing a pretty relaxed, comfy outfit. I never used to be that into stripes, but they've grown on me lately and this top has been getting a lota love. I particularly love pairing it with a red lip and my ray ban sunnies. It makes me feel a little more glamourous :)

Anyway, I'm gonna leave it at that today - I hope you've had a nice Monday. To be honest mine has been pretty crappy as I woke up with a migraine :( but fortunately feeling quite  a bit better now. I've basically been trying to just rest all day, but at least I've managed to do one somewhat productive thing, now that I've written this post.  Sorry to end on a low note -  but this blog is kinda a "diary" of sorts for me, and I do like to include little bits of what is really going on from time to time. Do any of you suffer from migraines too? I'm fortunate in that I don't get them too often, but they really do knock me down and it's pretty sucky when you lose a whole day because you literally can't function properly. 

Anyway enough complaining!
Have a great Monday night

Lots of Love

Top - Roxy
Jeans - Country Road
Shoes - Roxy
Bag - Jigsaw
Sunnies - Ray ban

Sunday 13 March 2016

My Travel Diary - Richmond

On our way from Hobart to Swansea, we drove through the beautiful village of Richmond. It's such a sweet little place, so picture-perfect with it's old Georgian buildings lining the main street and the rolling hills in the background.

We of course had to stop and take a look at the Richmond Bridge. It's the oldest bridge still in use in Australia and was built by convicts in the 1820s!
This particular day, the weather was so beautiful and sunny, there were ducks waddling along the shore and families picnicking on the grass, with the beautiful bridge in the background, and it was one of those moments that just felt so perfect and relaxing. I'm replaying it in my memory right now and I'm getting that effect like in the movies when they flashback to "happy times" with the slightly hazy filter and dreamy music. I realise that just sounds so corny but I swear I just had one of those "flashbacks" hehe... maybe I've been watching too much Netflix lately ;)

While wandering around, we found this beautiful little secluded spot and my inner child decided I just had to climb the tree. The climbing part was fine and a lot of fun, but I then also decided to jump from that branch, and it didn't end too well! (It was higher than I thought!) My landing was definitely not the most graceful, but I guess looking back now it's kinda a funny memory (although I don't think I'll be jumping out of trees again any time soon!)

We strolled around, popping into cute little vintage/antique stores, sampling some delicious jam from a local jam maker (we brought home the Raspberry Jam and Whisky Marmalade), and taking a look in Sweets and Treats - The Richmond Lolly Shop. I'm actually not that big a fan of lollies (I'm more of a chocolate lover), but I just adore lolly shops - the the colourful jars of sweets lined up along the walls are just so eye-catching and make me feel like I could be in Honeydukes! (Basically I'm a fan of anything that reminds me of Harry Potter!)

Another interesting attraction that we visited, was the Old Hobart Town Model Village. It's an accurate model of Hobart in the 1820s, built from the original plans from that time. It's definitely worth a look if you're visiting Richmond, as the attention to detail is pretty incredible!

We also took a stroll up the hill and had a look at what is apparently the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Australia. There was a mass on at the time so we couldn't go inside, but it was a very beautiful old church from what we could see. I keep joking with Tom that we should get married there, as the whole place was just so picturesque!

So that was our visit to Richmond!

I hope you're having a great Sunday!

Lots of Love