
Sunday 27 November 2016

My Style Diary - Sunday Strolls and Lunch at JoJo's

Ah Sunday... how I love you...
Work has been particularly busy lately, so my Sundays have been extra precious. It's funny though because even though it's my one day of the week where I actually have the opportunity to sleep in, I seem to always wake up around 5am (which is earlier than my alarm goes off on a week day!)  I'm not complaining at all - I've said it many times here before, I love mornings - waking up to that soft morning light and birds chirping away (and the knowledge that I don't actually have to get up if i don't want to) is pretty lovely.

One advantage is that I get a chance to do a little early morning blogging :)
So today I thought I'd share these photos from a few Sundays ago. I'd had a particularly stressful week so Tom suggested we do one of my favourite things - go for a long walk and out for lunch.

JoJo's is a restaurant my family used to go to when I was little. It's right on the river and we used to go for breakfast every now and then on weekends. I remember my Dad would always be partiucularly enthusiastic about these family breakfast outings :) There's a jetty that you walk along to get to the restaurant and occasionally you'd see dolphins swimming by... such good memories there :)

Tom and I are usually breakfast/brunch people and JoJo's doesn't open until 12 so we hadn't been together before. This day  though we figured we'd change up our usual ritual of Sunday morning breakfast and go for lunch instead. 
It was just such a lovely relaxing afternoon - good food, a beautiful view, time with my fave person... the perfect way to de-stress :)

This Sunday we're actually having engagement photos taken so I'm pretty excited about that. I have my wedding hair and makeup trial booked today as well so that should be a bit of fun! I can't believe it's been 11 months that we've been engaged (we're a little slow at getting our engagement photos taken) and actually less than 12 months now til our wedding! Time has just been flying away so quickly lately...

I hope you have an absolutely beautiful day Sunday.

Lots of Love

Dress - Tea Party at Lucy's
Cardigan - Pull & Bear
Sandals - from Paris
Bag - Jigsaw