
Saturday 24 August 2013

My Style Diary - Pastel Prints and Chambray

Hello Hello :)

So I've been a bit out of the blogging loop the past 2 weeks because my laptop decided it would be annoying and was refusing to let me turn it on! Thank goodness for the lovely people at the Mac Genius Bar who managed to get it working again... It ended up just being a software problem (I hadn't updated it, and it was still running on the 2008 software *guilty face*). Luckily I'd backed up all the important things (photos/video etc) before it spazzed!

Anyway... let's just forget about the computer drama and move on to the outfit...

These jeans were a complete steal from Cotton On for only ... wait for it... $2! How crazy is that?!! I love the pattern, but mostly I love the pretty pastel colours. Very Lauren and very spring-y. 
Another (fairly) new purchase was this Chambray shirt from Portman's. Usually this style never looks quite right on me, but this one just seemed to fit. The cotton is so so soft, and I think the tailcoat kind of style at the back adds a cute touch. I've been wearing it non-stop since I bought it, it's just so versatile. I can see it's going to become one of the most well-loved items in my wardrobe. Let me know your favourite way of wearing a chambray shirt, I'm always looking for new ideas!

Anyway, that's it for today. It feels so good getting back to blogging. I know it's only been 2 weeks, but I've actually quite missed it. There's something just so relaxing about sitting down with a cup of tea  and either putting together my own posts, or scrolling through my favourite blogs. 
It's nice how they can give you just a little peek into other people's lives. I always feel so much more inspired and motivated after reading some of my favourite blogs, and it just puts me in a really happy, positive frame of mind. 

Speaking of motivation, I went to an Xtend Barre class today. It's a mixture of ballet/pilates/aerobics, and was so tiring, but fun at the same time. I've been saying I need to incorporate exercise into my life more, and maybe this will be a good start. The warmer weather definitely makes it a bit easier! 

Okay... after saying "that's it" I rambled on a bit! I hope you're having a great weekend!

Love Lauren

Shirt - Portman's
Patterned Jeans - Cotton On
Shoes - Trenery
Bag - Jigsaw
Watch and Bracelet - Thomas Sabo

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