
Sunday 22 September 2013

My Style Diary - Country Road Overload

What better way to spend a rainy Sunday morning than sitting down with a cup of tea and doing a spot of blogging? :)

I didn't realise until looking through these photos that my outfit was pretty much all Country Road (excluding accessories that is). I am a bit of a Country Road fan, as I'm sure you can probably tell - the brand just suits my simple, relaxed (ok lets face it - rather boring compared to most bloggers) style.
What can I say? -  I like basics! 
Although I often admire the cute/quirky/intricate outfits of other bloggers and think - "I want to dress like that!", when it comes down to it, I just don't feel comfortable in that kind of style.
 That's the thing about fashion, there are so many different definitions of "style", and there's no right or wrong, it's just about what feels right to you. If we didn't all have different takes on what "style" means, the blogging world (and fashion world in general), wouldn't be nearly as exciting as it is!

Anyway, I hope you're having a lovely Sunday!

Love Lauren

Top, Pants, Shoes - Country Road
Bag - Jigsaw
Necklace - from my Bisnonna (Great Grandma)


  1. Great look! looks very comfortable yet very stylish at the same time :) the necklace looks really pretty

    1. Thanks :)
      Yeah... I'm definitely all about the comfort! xx
