
Monday 2 June 2014

Birthday Treats

As I mentioned in my previous post, my birthday was just a couple of days ago, and I had a great day celebrating with my family.
I was lucky enough to receive some lovely gifts this year, and seeing as I absolutely love reading/watching "What I got for my birthday" style posts (I'm nosey!) I thought I may as well write one of my own. 

Of course, the best gift was just getting to spend time with my loved ones... but receiving a few birthday goodies is always nice - and everyone loves to feel a little spoilt on their birthday!

Anyway, the first gift I received was this stunning bunch of flowers from Tom and his Mum. Just looking at this photo makes me smile!

Tom also picked out this gorgeous candle from Tigerlily which is Sea Salt and Caramel scented. I can't even begin to explain how yummy it smells! 
He also knows how much I love tea, and I have a bit of an obsession with collecting teapots, so these were greatly appreciated! They're from Kikki.K if you're interested. 

From my parents, I received this cook book filled with some amazing recipes which I'm looking forward to trying out. I'm not much of a cook, but it's something I'm trying to get better at! 
I was also treated to these lovely new shoes from Wittner, which will probably replace my current favourite work shoes which I've worn to death and are falling apart! I'm sure these will appear in many outfit posts to come! 
My Mum usually also likes to include a couple of magazines as part of my presents, and I've been really enjoying these two! I think I may have found a new favourite magazine - Renegade Collective, and my Mum knows I'm just a tad (aka extremely) obsessed with Emma Watson, hence why she picked this one out!

From some close family friends I was lucky enough to be given the absolutely gorgeous Stila In The Light palette which I've had my eye on for ages (but could never justify buying myself as I already have a few too many eyeshadows), and this lovely nailpolish. I was seriously so excited to receive this so thank you so much!!

Lastly, my favourite part of my birthday is reading my cards, and I was given some lovely ones this year.

I'm feeling so so grateful now :) 

Hopefully you enjoyed this post. I always like these as I find I get so much inspiration for what I can give to others, and though receiving is nice, giving really is the best part!

I hope you're having a fab day!

Lots of Love

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