
Monday 2 March 2015

February in Pictures

February has been a strange month - in some ways it seems to have flown by and I can't believe we're into March already, but in others it feels like it's been a very long 28 days!

A lot has happened, in particular one very large, exciting and life changing thing (which you'll hear about soon), and as always I've recorded all the little things  (as well as big things - in the case of The Giants that were here for the Perth International Arts Festival) that made me smile. 

As usual there's lots of food photos, from delicious Nutella pancakes at a new favourite breakfast place called Lucioli, to my family's Chinese New Year feast. Low key Valentine's day celebrations dressed up in a heart printed shirt (cute but a little cheesy), and of course photos of my beautiful little sister all dressed up for her Year 12 Ball. 

It's been a very memorable month, and there's going to be lots of exciting things coming up in March too!
I hope you've had a fabulous February!

Lots of Love


  1. Wow, how come you were all dressed up!!! Pretty!x

    1. That's my little sister at her school ball :)
