
Thursday 2 April 2015

The Foodie Post - Stimulatte

If you happen to follow me on Instagram, you would have probably realised by now that going out for breakfast/brunch is one of my favourite things to do. 
In my opinion, there's no better way to spend a weekend morning than going out with Tom or catching up with friends over a yummy meal, either at an exciting new cafe or our old favourite hangouts.

Seeing as I'm always snapping photos of my food on these mornings, I thought it might be fun to share a few pictures, as well as my thoughts on the places we visit here on the blog. 

Starting out with one of our new favourite finds - Stimulatte.
It's a little cafe in Subiaco with great atmosphere,  good coffee (I'm not actually a coffee drinker but Tom assures me it's good) and a interesting breakfast menu that's a little different to your standard bacon/eggs /pancakes option. Don't get me wrong - I love pancakes (which I'm sure you'll see in future posts), but I love places that offer a slightly more unique selection, and Stimulatte does just that.

On this particular day I had the sweet corn fritters with smashed avocado and poached eggs (as did the two other friends we went with) and Tom chose the grilled chorizo and salsa verde with parmesan scrambled eggs. It was a delicious breakfast and with the generous serving sizes we were all left feeling rather full, but very satisfied!
Also worth a mention is there ice chocolate. Ice chocolate tends to be my drink of choice and it seems I've become somewhat of an "ice chocolate snob" lately. Stimulatte's one gets a big thumbs up from me, coming in at second place out of all the ice chocolates that I've tried (and I've tried a lot!)
I'll let you know where the one that wins first place is from in the next Foodie Post ;)

If you happen to be in Perth I'd definitely recommend checking Stimulatte out - you won't be disappointed!

Have a great long weekend!

Lots of Love


  1. This place looks amazing, and the food even better! I wish they had places like this near me!
    I've also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award which can be found on my post here -
    Chloe xx

    1. Thanks for nominating me Chloe! I'll take a look and get onto it when I get the chance! :)

  2. You always find the neatest places to go to for breakfast/brunch. Looking at your IG always makes me hungry hehe :D It's fab that Stimulatte offers more menu alternatives and the smashed avocado sounds divine! It all looks immense! The Ice Chocolate looks especially good, there's nothing better than a chocolate themed drink <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo
