Saturday, 13 April 2013

My Style Diary - Waiting for Autumn


I'm feeling really exhausted and grumpy tonight for some reason. I'm usually a pretty happy person, but the past week I've just been feeling really down. I wasn't going to write anything to go along with this post, but I've been reading Lauren's blog from Someone Like You, and she's always so honest and open about what's going on in her life that she inspired me to do the same. When I think about what I want to do with my blog, it makes sense. I started this blog because I thought it would be a fun way to record my outfits. I'm by no means a very 'stylish' or 'trendy' person, but I do really enjoy fashion, and it's nice to have a sort of 'diary' of my personal style. I want it to be a bit more than that though, so I might be including a bit more of "my thoughts" into posts. This is purely for me though, so that I can have a record of what's been happening in my life. If you just want to look at the pictures and comment about the fashion, I am perfectly happy about that! 

Anyway, onto the outfit...

Today started off cool but warmed up really quickly so I didn't get to wear my jumper for long.  We're apparently having one of the hottest April's on record, and it's still feeling a lot like summer.I wish it would start to cool down just a little bit so I can start wearing some more Autumn-y clothes! As you may have noticed, I am kind of in love with these boots...and my necklace...and my bag. This is always the case with me - I have my favourites that I love that I wear over and over again, neglecting all the other things in my wardrobe! (Another example is my nail polish. I have so many other colours to choose from, but I just keep going back to this one!) Oh well... at least I know what I like!

I hope you're having a great night

What I'm Wearing
Dress - from Bali
Jumper - Dotti
Bag - Jigsaw
Necklace - Saba
Shoes - Betts

Love Lauren

PS - Thank you for the sweet comments. I wasn't really expecting anyone to want to follow my blog, (and my blog was originally just going to be private), so it was a nice surprise :)

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