Saturday, 5 April 2014

March in Pictures

I can't believe how quickly this year has been flying by, and March was no exception! I just wanted to do a little mash up of some of my Instagram photos from this month. I'm not sure anyone is really interested in these posts (seeing as they are usually just filled with food), but I like seeing my photos in a nice little collage... so I'm just going to roll with it. :)

My Aunty actually commented on one of my Instagram pics asking why all my photos are of food. My response was that "eating is one of my hobbies".

Tom and I love nothing more than heading out for a meal (particularly breakfast) on the weekend and trying out new places. Some of the places we've loved this month have been Fortysevenkirwanstreet, The Naked Fig, and Koko Black. We also went for a bit of a drive down to the Swan Valley and discovered the Cottage Tea Rooms which I mentioned previously in this post. There's just something so fun about discovering a new spot (or revisiting an old favourite) for a delicious breakfast or cozy afternoon tea. 

 Having said that though, I think this next month we're going to have to try and do a little more cooking and a little less eating out, because although it's fun, eating out so much is probably not so good health-wise (and definitely not great for the bank balance!) Ah well... :p

Anyway, I hope you've had a great March! Here's to an amazing April!

Lots of Love

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