Saturday, 13 August 2016

My Winter Capsule Wardrobe 2016

Heya! :)

Just a quick post today to share my winter capsule wardrobe video here on the blog.
I'm still loving doing this whole "capsule wardrobe thing" and I don't plan on stopping any time soon!

I've had such a change in mindset over the past year that I've been doing a capsule wardrobe, and just trying in general to minimise my possessions and live a little more simply.
In the world of fashion blogs there is definitely a push towards always having something shiny and new and following the latest trends. While there's nothing wrong with that, it's just never really been "me" so I feel so much happier thinking of myself as more of a "capsule wardrobe blogger" rather "fashion blogger".

The idea of quality over quantity and having a smaller collection of really well curated pieces appeals to me so much more than having a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, and I've been enjoying applying this minimalist approach to the rest of my life too.

I've been listening to podcasts, reading blogs and watching videos about minimalism and simple living for a long time now and find them so inspiring, so I'm planning on doing a post about my favourite ones soon :)

Hope you're having a fab day :) I'm soo happy it's finally the weekend!



  1. I'm totally with you on the capsule wardrobe thing. I've been hugely inspired by all the simple/minimalist living stuff about recently, and whilst I am not a minimalist by any stretch of the imagination, I'm definitely going to try and work towards that.

    I really enjoyed seeing the clothes you picked out in your video. Does your capsule cover your work clothes? I have to be quite smart for work so I think I'd have to have two capsules, which seems a bit much...

    1. For work I have a few pairs of work pants and some extra tops, although I can wear most of the tops included in the video.
      I'm quite lucky I don't have to be too smart for work (I'm a dentist and wear a clinic coat on my top half for most of the day, so it doesn't matter too much as long as it's presentable! hehe... I probably do push the limits of being a bit too casual sometimes though :)

      I think having a separate capsule is fine if you keep it simple and maybe find a way to crossover between some of the pieces. It's totally up to you and what works for you - It's a balance I think between being minimal enough that its not overwhelming but also having enough so that it works for your life! There's really no rules!

      I'd love to hear if you give the capsule wardrobe thing a go and how you like it!


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