Friday, 27 March 2015

Exciting News!

Hello Hello!

So, now that I'm done with my random little morning musings (see last post if you don't know what I'm talking about), I thought that since I'm awake, now would be a good time to share with you why my blog has been a little neglected over the past month.
The reason is actually very exciting (and totally given away by the photo above!)


Tom and I now have the keys to our own apartment! 

( I definitely have some crazy eyes going on in that photo!)

It's been a very exciting few weeks, but also a little hectic trying to get everything organised (hence the blog neglect the past month)
In some ways it's been a long time coming - we spent months and months house hunting, going to home opens every weekend and despairing that we'd never find the right place (well that was just me to be honest, but even Tom did find it a bit draining after a while). Once we found our place though, time just seems to have flown by and I can't believe we actually have the keys and are officially the owners of a cute little 2 bedroom flat!

We haven't actually moved in yet, given that we currently have zero furniture, Tom being away at work and the fact that we only just got our fridge delivered (kinda hard to move in somewhere if you don't have a fridge!)
I'm so excited though - we now have a little place of our own. Our own space to do up and make comfortable and home-y, and it's just generally really exciting to be starting this whole new chapter of our lives. 
It's safe to say there will probably be a few more home decor related posts appearing on the blog in the next few months (I have been going pinterest crazy!)

Let me know if there's any particular home related posts you're interested in seeing or if you have any tips on moving! I'd love to hear your advice :)

I hope you have any amazing day!

Lots of Love


  1. Congratulations Lauren! That's so exciting! I'm moving out for the first time by myself in September, so I'm pretty nervous yet excited too!
    I'd love to see a post on what's inspired you on Pinterest, or any design plans/wishes that you're making! Everybody's eye for decor is different, and I'd love to see yours!

    Chloe x

    1. Thanks Chloe! Definitely very exciting!
      Thanks for the suggestions! xx

  2. Aww wow! Congrats you guys!!! Such exciting, happy news :D

    Over the moon for you both and I know this is only the start of a wonderful new chapter for you! It sounds more than well deserved after all your endless house-hunting. Patience pays off! Can't wait to see your home-inspo, I know it's gonna be gorgeous! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo


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