Sunday, 15 March 2015

My Style Diary - Khaki Shorts, More White Lace and a Long Ramble!

Ah Sunday Morning… how I love you :)
The one day of the week that you get to laze around, sleep in, have a slow start to the morning and not feel guilty about your long to do list that needs to be ticked off (and mine is rather long at the moment!)

I'm currently sitting here with my cup of tea watching #OsgoodTheLoveBird be all cute while he plays with a piece of paper. 
Things have been a bit hectic lately so I'm just trying to enjoy these little moments of calm before things get crazy again. 

None of this craziness is bad - there's actually lots of exciting things coming up soon that I'm really looking forward to, but you know when you've got lots of things going on and your mind just keeps running around in circles trying to keep up with it all? 
Yeah, that's kind of what I've been feeling like lately.

That's partly why I haven't been posting much the past few weeks. That and the fact that there hasn't been anything particularly exciting on the outfit front for me to share with you. I've just been sticking to my usual shorts + top + sandals combo that isn't really the most exciting thing to be putting up on a "fashion blog".
Having said that though, from the start this blog has never really been purely about fashion. I don't really follow trends, nor am I up to date with what's going on in the "fashion world".  It's just me, recording my own outfits and random thoughts about what's going on in my life.
I can't believe I've actually been doing this for 2 years now! That time has flown by!

I  feel like I've changed quite a bit over these past two years, and I think "Lauren Loves Laughter" is probably going to be taking a different direction in the next few months.

When I started, I'd just finished uni and started work, and I was looking for a bit of a creative outlet, a new hobby to fill my time now that I no longer had to study for hours every night. I'd been reading blogs for years and it just seemed like a natural progression to start my own.
There was also another positive to starting the blog - to use the words of Suzie from Hello October - it "started out as a productive outlet for the copious amounts of shopping I got involved in after getting my first full time job" 
Yep… it gave me the perfect excuse to indulge my love of shopping. 
It would go something like this - "That dress is so cute…but I don't really need another dress… but it's on sale… and I can feature it in a blog post… okay I may as well get it!"
I'm sure most other fashion bloggers out there can relate.

Lately though I've become less into the shopping and more about downsizing and trying to simplify. I've been reading a lot of blogs on minimalism and just generally trying to (slowly) incorporate the idea of "living lighter" into my life. I still love fashion, but I think I've finally found my own style and begun to realise what I truly like and feel comfortable in, and so I feel like my outfits have become a little more repetitive and maybe a little less interesting. 
I've been reading about Project 333 (which is where you choose 33 items of clothing and wear just those for 3 months) and have actually been considering giving it a try. Obviously if I do, this will have a bit of an effect on what I'll be posting on the blog!

I don't really know what "Lauren Loves Laughter" is going to become. It might become more lifestyle related, maybe include more food posts (another one of my passions, if you follow me on Instagram you'll know I love my food!), or even become a bit more about "living lighter" which is something I've actually become very interested in these past few months.
Whatever happens, I'm sure I'll continue blogging because it's just become such a great hobby that I really love doing and I just can't imagine not doing it anymore.

I didn't plan for this post to become such a ramble or seem so serious, but I guess it's something I've been thinking about and I'm glad I've finally put some of my thoughts into writing. 
Thanks for reading if you've made it this far, and I hope you'll stick around :)

Have a great Sunday!

Lots of Love

Top - Forever New
Shorts - Cotton On
Sandals - Therapy
 Bag - Jigsaw
Watch - Thomas Sabo
Ring - from my Grandma

PS - If you are interested in finding out more about what I mean by "living lighter", check out 
Her blog is great and she makes fab YouTube videos too!


  1. Aww such a lovely post Lauren! Looking so stunning as always, I absolutely love your pretty white lace crochet top, it's gorgeous. So many stylish, casual, laid back, chilled vibes going on. Love! And OsGoodTheLoveBird is the cutest, I love seeing him on your IG! <3

    It's great you felt able to be so frank and honest. Sometimes it's just nice to write what you want and get thoughts down and hit 'post'. And even better you only post when you feel it to be true and when you want. I never get those people who say bloggers need to keep up a steady routine, ie. several times a week (wtf I'm lucky if I manage several times a month these days haha) I believe the only routine should be when the blogger feels the need to post ;) Without going into detail, around christmas time especially I could barely look at any blogs or blog myself, but one of my truest friends' and your beautiful blog where the only two I could face looking at. And somehow coming on here made me feel better, when I needed it most. Definitely only one of the many reasons why you shine so much as a blogger.

    You have a truly lovely blog, a real talent for putting stunning styles together, and whether you are talking about life through an Instagram lens, travel, beauty, fashion, baking or anything else it's always a memorable, uplifting read. I can't wait to see what Lauren Loves Laughter becomes, I know more lifestyle/food posts would be amazing, and I'm so glad you're going to continue blogging, otherwise I might have to hop on a 24 hr plane journey to convince you otherwise! Seriously, you should be so proud of yourself and your wonderful work. I know I'm proud of you :D

    Sophie | soinspo xo

    1. Sophie - I can't tell you how much that means to me. Most of the time I'm blogging I feel like there's probably no one reading, but I just want to put things down in words (or photos) anyway, more for my own personal record, but the fact that my blog could help to make you feel a little better, even just for a while makes me so happy to hear. Your lovely comments are always so appreciated and they actually really do inspire me to keep it up. I hope you're doing ok now Soph and I want you to know that your beautiful blog never fails to put a smile on my face too :)

      Lauren xx


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